A short loop walk provides views overlooking Roxburgh from Frog Rock , and a circuit up and around Grovers Hill. The walk is 1 hour and 3.6 km.
From King George V Memorial Park walk up Till St then left into Berwick St then right into Liddle St then left into Teviot St. A further 200m turn right into a marked driveway heading towards Frog Rock. You will be walking through the Dump Station.
The track, via a shared driveway, provides access to a recreation reserve with a circuit walk around Grovers Hill. Please respect adjoining landowner’s property by keeping on the track and leaving gates as you found them.
From the driveway turn off to the left, around the side of the tin shed, then through the gate, climbing around and up into the gully. As the track levels, a junction is reached. You will see the first yellow marker, this is where you turn sharply to the right in the pines up Grovers Hill. Turn right at the top out onto the crest of Frog Rock and view Roxburgh and beyond. Keep back from the edge. Beware of fall hazards!
Return to the track and continue south, overlooking the Roxburgh Health Camp and Golf Course to your right. Descend veering left and down to the Clutha River. From the river, continue upstream past the miners grave, climbing gradually back up to the views out over the river. Reconnect with the track junction and access back into town. For a shorter walk, just return from Frog Rock lookout.
Dogs on a leash only. Unfortunately this is not a track you can take your bike on.