You can’t miss Johnson’s Cottage as you enter Roxburgh from the Dunedin side, it’s the very first orchard you’ll come across, right opposite the golf course on your left. Look out for the big sign displaying the very freshest fruit in season for sale and the rows of neatly manicured fruit trees. Established all the way back in the 1800’s Johnson’s Cottage orchard has been growing fruit for over 100 years. As you enter from the road, you’ll be delighted with the huge variety of produce for sale.
Lou and Norman welcome you to their fruit stall shop, you’ll find it stocked full of the most delicious goodies including their own tree-ripened tasty fruit, delicious homemade sauces and jams alongside local honey and more. The pic above is of Lou holding freshly picked Central Otago apricots from their orchard.
Come in and meet the team and enjoy a truly Central Otago experience.