
Transfer Station, Recycling, Greenwaste and Rubbish

Roxburgh Transfer Station & Recycling drop-off facilities located on Roxburgh East Rd.

Roxburgh transfer station accepts general waste for landfill disposal. All general waste is transported to Victoria Flats landfill in the Gibbston Valley.​​ Fees are charged for disposal of general waste, the fees cover operating costs, landfill costs and a contribution towards waste minimisation programme costs.

Different fees apply depending on the type and separation of material. If the material can be diverted from landfill it generally has a lesser fee as the costs associated with it are less. It pays to separate material for reuse and recycling!​​ Key charges are below but a full list of fees & charges for Transfer Stations is available on page 3 of the document here: Fees & Charges page​.

Cost to dump rubbish at Roxburgh Tip

​Transfer Station Charges
​Standard size refuse bag (60 litres)​$5.00 per bag
​General waste charge by volume per cubic metre (Roxburgh and Ranfurly)​​$60.00 per cubic metre
​General waste charge by weight per tonne (Alexandra and Cromwell)​$270.00 per tonne

Note: Commercial recycling is not accepted at Roxburgh Transfer Station.

Roxburgh Transfer Station open hours:

Summer: Tuesday to Thursday 1-4pm, Saturday and Sunday 1-4pm
Winter: Tuesday and Thursday 1-3pm, Satur​day and Sunday 1-4pm
Closed: Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, and Anzac Day until 1pm

​Materials accepted: Refuse and General Waste, Greenwaste, Scrapmetal

Fees apply and are assessed by volume
Only cash and cheque payments accepted

Note: Daylight Savings Time signals change from summer to winter hours 


Please ensure your loads are greenwaste only.  Lawn clippings, leaves and small branch prunings (not exceeding 100mm in diameter) are permitted.

Rubbish not permitted: Flax leaves, household rubbish, animal carcasses/pelts/guts/tails/shells, construction material, wire, stones, glass, ashes.

The Transfer Station Attendant will inspect your loads to ensure it is greenwaste only and direct where you are to dump. All greenwaste facilities operate during normal Transfer Station ​hours.

Cost to dump Greenwaste at Roxburgh Transfer Station

​Greenwaste Deposited in Greenwaste Area
​Car Load​No charge
​Trailer or Ute Load​$5.00
​Truc​k-load charge by volume per cubic metre

Roxburgh Kerbside Collections – Wheelie Bins

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Roxburgh Kerbside Collection calendar 2022-2023


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